
Book Uploaded to Kobo

More progress today. I've uploaded the ebook to the Kobo servers, to make it available on that platform. I'm not sure of the next steps, or how long it will take. I'm still waiting on approval from Apple, so this might take a while.


Book Submitted to the Apple iBookstore

I've finished and submitted the book to the Apple iBookstore, so now it's a waiting game. I'm not sure how long it will take then to approve it, but I will post here when it's approved.


Publishing Agreements are in Place

Another milestone is now complete. I have formal publishing agreements in place with Apple, Kindle and Kobo. Now that I have those in place, the book just needs to be finalized and published. Should be done in the next couple weeks.


The web site is up!

I've officially made the web site live to the public. I do not expect that there will be a lot of blog entries on this site, as that is not its primary purpose. I will post updates about the book (when it's live on publishers sites, for example) and other relevant information.

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